Monday 30 May 2016

People are becoming more diversified

People will become more and more diversified in terms of all aspects. In modern days, we have so many choices that we are easier to find something which is closest to our preference. Moreover, firms like non-price competitions rather than price competitions in order to have relatively higher revenues, especially they like differentiating their products from their competitors'. Such competitive strategy does not just give consumers more choices, but also make consumers self-correct their preferences and make consumers' preferences more complicated and diversified. Therefore, people's preferences are becoming more and more diversified. Moreover, people's skills, knowledge and information will be more and more diversified. We know that we cannot know all skills, knowledge and information, then we will make our own choices to learn some of the skills, knowledge and information. This will make people's knowledge, skills and information more and more diversified when there is an increase in skills, knowledge and information, which has been happening. In general, we can find people's preferences and capabilities becoming more diversified, which can cause people may become self-centred as they find fewer and fewer similarities with other people.

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