Tuesday 17 July 2018

A great era for the isolated world

The US media is angry about Trump siding with the Russian president Putin and sees Trump trashing the US a great humiliation. It is definitely great news for Russia to have the US president standing on their side. The US and Russia (after the collapse of Soviet Union) have been hostile to each other for the most of time since the end of the World War II. The NATO was founded under the threat of Soviet Union; therefore, when Trump disrespected his NATO allies and stood on the side of Russia, this really worried many of the US allies, especially American European allies, who believe they are still under the threat of Russia. Russia is partially isolated from the mainstream of the Western World; however, this time, the US is opening a door for Russia, this is definitely a great opportunity for its development, not only economic development but also expanding its political influence around the world.

Meantime, because the US is no longer interested in the world order matter, Iran may be able to face its new opportunities in the world, though the current US president Trump is very hostile towards the Iran Deal. While other countries are turning against the US, they will need more allies, and Iran is an oil rich country and a force that is needed to be against the US; therefore, under the new world order, Iran could re-join the world community as a crucial member. Moreover, some small countries are not significant enough to attract America's attention, so they might be able to escape American trade bullies and gain a golden period of development.

To conclude, because of the forming new world order, some countries which were previously isolated from the rest of the world (mainly the Western World) can now re-join the world community and play crucial roles.

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