Tuesday 31 July 2018

How to avoid false charges

In some countries, people may find they could be falsely charged and asked to pay fines for something they do not do, for example, careless driving. Some people believe these false charges are caused by the evaluation system within the justice department, including the police system. In the justice department, if officers are evaluated based on many charges they place, then they have incentives to charge more people and the probability of mis-charging increases. People criticise the evaluation method because of this reason; however, if the department can generate additional incomes from the fines people pay, then the department itself has the incentives to continue this evaluation method.  This may give us one way to lower the probability of mis-charging that the government should not receive fines as a source of incomes, the fines people pay can be put into a fund that is separated from the main body of the government and has a specific use, for example, a charity fund for child health.

In addition, we should not take away the incentives of placing charges from the department of justice; otherwise, they will lose some incentives of bringing justice to our community. Of course, their job should be evaluated based on the safety and the fairness within the community. However, the safety and the fairness are difficult to be evaluated and the two measures are usually evaluated by the department of justice; then such evaluation could potentially be biased. Therefore, the measures which are objective and easy to be quantified should be used for evaluation. A balance between charge placing and the crime rate should be made, and charging place and crime rate are negatively correlated.

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