Tuesday, 22 December 2015

The EU is in decline

2015 is so far a tough year for the EU. The political uncertainty, the endless Greek crisis, the scandal of the German car industry all contribute to the decline of the EU. The political uncertainty of the Southern Europe may not cause significant damages to the economy; however, the potential risk of the political uncertainty could become worsened when the economic difficulties in these countries remain unsolved. The decline might speed up if Britain decides to leave the EU in 2016. The scandal of the German car industry has had negative effects in the German economy as well as the EU economy, as the German economy is the largest economy within the EU. Many problems in the EU seem endless, because there is no single central government in the EU that could relocate resources and balance the differences between member countries. Without having a single, powerful central government in the EU, the decline or even collapse of the EU is inevitable.

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