Tuesday 17 October 2017

A need for a larger world population

Recently I raise a question that if the world actually needs a larger population. I have several reasons to support my argument that the world probably needs a larger population in the future. Firstly and the most importantly, I think when our economy is becoming more specialised, the economy needs more people. More detailed specialisation will increase the number of different sectors in the economy, and if one sector requires a certain amount of people, then the increase in the number of sectors means an increase in the demand for labours. Though more detailed specialisation means a sector is split into several smaller and more specialised sectors, it does not mean that the previous total demand for labours is also split into several smaller parts. This is because more detailed specialisation means an increase in complexity; in a more complicated field, not only labours are required to have more professional skills but also the number of required labours may increase as well. Of course, some people argue with the help of tools such as computers and machinery, the demand for labours will reduce. However, this may not reduce the demand for labours. The use of tools can be seen a shift of demand for labours, a part of the demand for labours in one sector is shifted to the field of developing relevant tools, which is more complicate and specialised and may increase the total demand for labours instead.
The second reason is the global population growth rate is in its decline, which means the world population will reach its peak shortly. When the world population is in decline, at that time, we will limit out growth by our limited size of the population.
Therefore, I think that in the future, the policy of encouraging population growth may be more and more popular.

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