Tuesday, 21 June 2016

What's the next to draw people's attention after "Brexit" referendum?

Currently the voting on the "Brexit" draw the most attention of the market; however, after the referendum, what will be the next to draw people's attention. The first big event could be the US presidential election that if Trump is elected, there may be some surprising changes in the US politics. The second issue may be if the Fed will hike the rates. This has drawn people's attention since last summer. The third issue may be the rise of the unemployment rates around the world. As the UK and the US unemployment rates reach their historical low and the numbers of new jobs created decline, it is very likely for the UK and US unemployment rates to rise again. This could affect the UK and the US economies as well as other economies around the world due to the importance of their economies; therefore, when other economies are affected, the unemployment rates could rise as well. These are the three major issues after the UK referendum; however, we also need to be aware of the EMs slowdown and the Japanese deflationary pressure.

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