Friday 14 December 2018

The battle in Westminster

Theresa May is definitely facing her end period of her political career after she successful survived the no confidence vote that she made a promise that he would not lead the Tory party into the next election in order to win the support within her Conservative Party. This implies that May is highly likely t leave the office after she makes an agreement with the European Union.

I previously said that May and her Brexit rebels are playing a game of chicken and I expected that her Brexit rebels would turn to support May before the deadline of Brexit. However, her Brexit rebels are much smarter. They forced May to enter another game before the deadline and offered something that May could not resist. May was forced to the no confidence vote that she was likely to be overthrown by her own party if her rebels got enough votes. Her rebels knew that they would not have many choices in terms of the Brexit negotiation because what May offered was almost the best that they would be able to get; therefore, in this game they were very likely to lose. However, the no confidence vote was a totally different game that this time May would not have many choices but accept what her party requested in order to win their support on her Brexit plan, because May cannot afford losing her Prime Minster position at this crucial time point.

Overall, my previous expectation about May’s rebels would eventually accept May’s Brexit plan becomes true but I underestimated her rebels’ intelligence.

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