Although the Parliament has voted against a no-deal Brexit, the chance of exiting the European Union with no deal still exists as no-deal Brexit is the default option if the UK cannot negotiate an exit plan with the EU. At the moment, there is an exit Brexit deal existing between the UK government and the European Union, which is the deal proposed by the UK Prime Minister May to the Parliament; however, the Parliament has rejected the deal several times already. So far, it seems that this deal is the best of which May is capable of providing because what we are seeing is that May is trying to get the deal passed by the Parliament instead of trying to negotiate an improved deal with the European Union.
At the moment, May is trying to gain the support from the Parliament by offering her Prime Minister position as she promises that if the deal can be passed by the Parliament, she will resign. This really is a bad move in terms of politics, as she offers something that gives other politicians some personal benefits in return of a policy that will determine the country's fate unless the policy is definitely the best for the country. So far it seems that May believes in her deal.
At the moment, I do not think that any opposition will support May because of her promise, not because they do not want to be the next Prime Minister, but because they are seeing the fall of May as an inevitable outcome. If May cannot get her deal passed, she will not have the face to remain at her positions as the Prime Minister as well as the Conservative Party leader. She's efforts to get her deal passed in the Parliament I do not think will work.