Thursday 21 March 2019

From Boeing to others

It is reported that Boeing decided not to provide extra training for 737 pilots other than a just over one-hour iPad training session. Such decision was made based on cost concerns, it could also have been welcomed by airlines, as airlines did not pay for the high costs of training their pilots. People are shocked by this report and asking why the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) did not intervene. According to some people who are familiar with the issue, the FAA lacks funding to find professional experts to conduct proper examines of aircrafts; therefore, the FAA has to rely on the aircraft manufacturers, especially Boeing (the US biggest aircraft manufacturer), to conduct the tests including safety tests.
The FAA is a government branch and Boeing is a private company. Boeing can pay their experts and engineers much better than the FAA does, so the majority of the good experts and engineers will go to work for Boeing rather than the FAA. Under such circumstance, the regulators lose their regulation power and ability.
In the future and actually at the moment, the technology development will make the government much less capable of regulating the market, because the government does not have the experts to understand the issues raised by advanced technology. Therefore, more and more lacks of regulations are not caused by the technology development is moving too fast, but caused by the regulators lack the ability and power to understand the issues.

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