Monday 14 January 2019

The world is affected by the Chinese performance

The Chinese economic slowdown has started and is still continuing for some time and it is hurting other economies as well. The Chinese economy is dependent of exporting to some degree, but the export suffered the biggest drop in two years, which is definitely a piece of bad news for the economy. The export drop was largely contributed by the trade tension between China and the US; furthermore, the weakening world demand only contributed to the export drop. In addition, the car sales in China dropped for the first time since early 1990s, signalling slowing consumption or even consumption reduction. These are really bad stories for the Chinese economy; however, the world also suffers the Chinese economic slowdown. 

Apple, one of the largest smartphone producer and the most valuable companies (Amazon is now the most valuable company), deeply suffers the Chinese economic slowdown. The Chinese market has been a significantly important market for Apple since iPhone was first launched. The Chinese economic slowdown makes Chinese people more cautious when making their consumption decisions and expensive iPhones are crossed on many Chinese people's shopping lists. Furthermore, many car makers are hurt by the Chinese economic slowdown, especially the car sale drop in China. Moreover, the investment in the US from China has hit the lowest over the last 7 years. The fall in the investment is contributed by the Chinese capital control as well as the US restricting deal making. When the investment falls, it will drag down the US economic growth as well. 

When the Chinese economy is not doing great, it does not necessarily mean that other countries will have more opportunities. 

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